What Is the Most Versatile Instrument?

most versatile instrument

If you’re new to the music scene and wonder which instrument is the most versatile and worth your while, you will be able to unlock the answer in this article.  For acoustic instruments, the most versatile would be the piano due to its large range, ability to play different styles and genres, and vast amount … Read more

Can Anyone Become A Professional Pianist? (Answered)

Can anyone become a professional pianist

The piano is a fantastic instrument. It is incredibly versatile and can make some beautiful sounds. Therefore, it is no surprise that it’s one of the most learned and played instruments globally. Still, there is a big difference between the casual piano player who sees it as a hobby and those that have mastered the … Read more

Is Playing The Piano A Sport? (Explained)

is playing the piano a sport

Playing the piano can be incredibly strenuous, especially for those who practice the piano for many hours every day. This instrument is surprisingly physical, and long practice sessions can leave the player feeling exhausted. The physical exertion needed to play this instrument well for long periods of time leads many to question whether it could … Read more

4 Blind and Autistic Pianists Who are Truly Amazing

Blind Autistic Pianists

It usually takes a good chunk of someone’s lifetime, through extensive study and commitment, to become an expert in something. That’s why many of us are inspired by people who exceed well beyond perceived limits, despite disability or mental illness. Often they seemingly skip over the years it takes to master a skill, a feat … Read more

10 Great Black Gospel Pianists You Should Know About

The piano/organ is an instrumental foundation of Black gospel music, which is the backbone of so many of today’s American music styles. Its incredible influence can’t be overstated. Blues, soul, bluegrass, jazz, rock, R&B, hip hop, and contemporary pop — all of these genres can be traced back to 19th- and early 20th-century Black spiritual … Read more

Are Digital Pianos Good for Beginners?

For many beginners, choosing between a digital piano and an acoustic version can pose a problem. The consensus in the piano world is that acoustic models have superior sound. Still, the cost and practicality of owning one mean that many newbies can’t ignore the digital variants. So, are digital pianos good for beginners? Many budding … Read more