How Often Should You Tune a Piano?

How Often Should You Tune a Piano?

Tuning your piano is crucial to maintaining its sound quality and extending its lifespan. Like any finely crafted instrument, a piano requires regular attention to ensure that it performs at its best. You might wonder how often this needs to be done. The simple answer is that most pianos benefit from being tuned at least … Read more

What Are Pianos Made Of? (Materials and Craftsmanship)

What Are Pianos Made Of?

Throughout its history, the piano has evolved from its early ancestors, like the harpsichord and clavichord, with notable improvements credited to Bartolomeo Cristofori in the 18th century.  Whether it is a grand or upright model, the materials are precisely engineered to create the powerful and nuanced sounds associated with the piano. As you take a … Read more

What are Weighted Keys and Why Do They Matter?

Digital pianos are a popular option for new students and traveling musicians alike. They’re a cost-effective solution for music departments in schools as well. As technology gets better, it gets easier and easier to find affordable digital pianos with a great selection of high-quality sounds. But for players who expect the same responsiveness that they … Read more

What are Roll-Up Pianos and Are They Any Good?

As a pianist, maintaining a habit of daily practicing can be challenging. This is especially true when we go on vacation, or when our schedule demands that we be away from our instrument. However, with the invention of the roll-up piano, there could now have a solution.  A roll-up piano is a rubberized, flexible keyboard … Read more

Are Digital Pianos Portable?

There are all sorts of digital pianos on the market. Some of them are lightweight, while others seem to weigh almost as much as traditional pianos. If you’re looking for a digital piano that you can bring to concerts or a friend’s house, then you should make sure that it’s easy to move around. Most … Read more

Are Electric Pianos Any Good?

For pianists, the decision to buy any piano is not one to be made lightly. This is especially true for beginners who want to get good value for money and still pick the right piano type that will help them achieve their dreams—be it an electric or acoustic model. Electric pianos are good alternatives to … Read more

Can You Paint a Digital Piano?

Say you’ve got a digital piano that works great but looks a little ugly. Maybe it’s a little worse for wear, or perhaps you aren’t crazy about the original design. No matter what the reason for wanting to freshen up your instrument, you may wonder whether a coat of paint will affect the performance of … Read more

Do Digital Pianos Need to Be Plugged in?

Digital pianos come in many shapes and sizes. They’re a favored alternative to acoustic pianos, as they are easier to transport and offer a wider assortment of sounds. They’re a unique offering in this digital age with perks that will aid any musician in their task. However, unlike their acoustic counterpart, digital pianos cannot produce … Read more

Can Electric Pianos Go Out of Tune?

If you’ve ever had a traditional piano, you know that one of the most critical maintenance tasks is tuning, but is this something you need to consider if you have a digital one? Electric or digital pianos cannot go out of tune because they do not have strings like their traditional counterparts. The sound you … Read more

Do Digital Pianos Hold Their Value?

Used Digital Piano

Learning to play a musical instrument is one of the most rewarding skills that you can pursue. It provides a lifetime of enjoyment and opens up options that range from a private hobby to amateur or professional performances. But making that purchase can be tricky. Is it worth it to pay more for quality? Can … Read more